Lachoneus is in football again this year. He has had to work to earn the $160.oo to play this year. They had their 1st game and won 20 to 0. He has the same awesome coaches as last year. I am glad that they moved up with the team.
Lachoneus recieved his Patriarcal Bless one week ago. The Patriarch came to our home to give him the blessing. He gave him his blessing and then sat down to explain and answer and questions that Lachoneus had for him afterward. The spirit was very strong and Lachoneus was told some wonderful counsel. I feel blessed to be his Mother.
Ashlyn was invited to take swim lessons with Lisa's kids. Their teacher is a sister in our ward who let Ashlyn be included with Lisa's boys for free. She is a real fish and seems to have no fear when it comes to diving or trying new strokes. They were all sad that summer is over and so are swim lessons. Ashlyn had another friend pay to sign her up for volleyball this season. I am sure she will do awesome there too. Ashlyn also earned money to buy a first day of school outfit and shoes.
The Lord has blessed us with some wonderful blessings for our whole family while Dean has been out of work. Opportunities for the kids that there is no way we could have done for them.
Including the blessings of letting them earn the money to pay for their sports or clothes.
Ashlyn woke up one morning with yucky goo coming out of her right ear. Then it turned to blood coming out. I got her into our Dr. who washed out her ear and we could see something blue among the red and swollen, bloody ear drum. Ashlyn wouldn't let him us an ear loop to get it out so he gave us antibiotic drops and sent us to an Ear Nose and Throat Dr. without charging us for the visit. They were able to get us in the next day and they suctioned out Ashlyn's ear in the office. (She was really brave even though it was loud and painful for her!). We have to put ear drops in and come back in a week to have it checked. I had asked before we came in if we could make payments since Dean had been out of work for 9 months and was just starting a part time job. So when I went to pay a little on our account the Dr. assistant came out and said that there was no charge and she said the Dr. said to go buy groceries. Can I tell you how humbled and blessed I feel. No, there really are no words.
I did say that Dean has found a part time job. But now there are two part time jobs. One in Park City, one in North Salt Lake. Both are doing accounting. One is to help set up and teach them how to use an accounting program so they can do their own books. That is the one in North Salt Lake and it is a temporary job. The other one is to straiten out the book and who knows where it may go. Meanwhile Dean will still be on the search for something full time and more permanent.