Thursday, September 4, 2008

My art classes began again today after a break for summer. It felt GREAT! I don't know how to explain the therapy that I recieve from doing an art project. I have to say that if you need an outlet find one that recharges you and then go do it. My class is once a month but I wish that I could afford to do it at least weekly instead on only monthly. Heck, who am I fooling I would love to go to class everyday.
What makes art class much more fun is having my sister Patsy come down to take the class with me. She also spends the night before and a night or two after to hang out and have fun. It is a highlight of the month for all of us at our house. As Ashlyn puts it Yea! Patsy is here, Patsy is here! The only thing bad about having her come is when she has to go home. We wish she could stay here all the time.


Meredith Haag said...

Oh that so great! I wish I had sister to hang out with once a month! Aren't there any classes you want to sign up for here in Denver?!

Jan said...

Probably its the traveling that would kill me.